Thursday, February 9, 2012


We all have them with our dreams, hiccups or frustrations that come along as we're pursuing our dreams.  One of mine happened January 30, just 2 days before I launched my month long,
Lovin Our Dreams, Dreamy-to-Doing starting February 1st.

My computer crashed, I lost everything!  So now I'm doing this on the fly!  :) As I'm retyping my blog ideas, books, cover and query letters I am at least thankful I have some hard copies!

For today's Dream Beam, hiccups will happen that's just a given and they happen at the worst possible time that's also a given.  For me, after I got over the initial freak out and bought my new computer I realized, I still love my book, The Town of Plizz Dot, it's my dream to get it published and as I'm retyping it I'm looking at it with fresh eyes and I might make a few changes here and there.

During the times of hiccups, or at least after the initial freak out, look at YOUR dream with fresh eyes maybe this hiccup will make you realize that you do love your dream and it is worth the extra do-over work.  Remember, all these hiccups make your dream, your dream.  You have the choice to give up on it (which is totally cool, but do you really want to, we would really miss your dream), take a little break or get in there and tackle a little or big hiccup or a whole bunch of them.

Thanks for joining me today, if your new here, check out my previous posts, starting February 1st, I am giving a "Virtual Dream Beam" just for you to encourage your dream!

I'm gonna go tackle some hiccups and you know what? I'm going to have an excellent day doing them, I hope you do too!   xxxxoooo Michelle

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