Snow cones remind me of being a kid! Sloppy, drippy, sticky, too sweet, cold, stain your tongue and teeth yumminess!
So when I saw this cute as a button snow cone craft from the amazing, I fell in love!
Just follow the simple instructions SNOW CONE FUN and you can be in snow cone heaven year round and you don't even have to stain your teeth! :)
I thought these were so fun, I had them on my table for awhile as a centerpiece. (I got carried away and painted the whole ball but as the tutorial states - it saves paint if you only paint two thirds.)
I'm in love with the golden sparkle of this snow cone. Can you imagine eating a real golden jeweled snow cone? My Styrofoam balls were a different size so I had to do some minor adjustments to her template; other than that this was easy and fun. I glued my snow cones to a 16x20 canvas and created summertime artwork that lasts all year! We decided to hang it in Nyla's room. I don't know why she had her "ice cream" bubbles in her room - but it goes with it right? (I'll have to sneak them out of there before the next play date :)
Super thanks to EZ at for this fun inspiration and all the Snow Cone makers out there! I'm off to find you!
Have a fun summer day! xxxxoooo Michelle

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Thanks for making me smile from your sweet comment!