A perfect little chocolate cup filled with ice cream made for my little lovebug!
We made a bunch of these chocolate cups in the morning in hopes of a fun little desert for a playdate surprise. But when one of Nyla's bff's said she didn't like vanilla ice cream (it's all we had) & she had to leave earlier than expected; this turned out perfect since only one actually turned out.
If your daring to give this yummy treat a try...
Here's how we did it.
We blew up water balloons (they were thinner but formed a rounder bottom than regular balloons that we had)
Melted chocolate and then we were ready to dip. First dip went well.. then, sporatically a few balloons burst due to the chocolate temperature causing chocolate to fly EVERYWHERE! Nyla wasn't that into doing this so early in the morning either. I think its best to spray the balloon with cooking spray before dipping, which I didn't think of until probably the end (and that's the yummy one in the picture.)

We decided to roll our balloons in sprinkles. The sprinkles decided to roll all over the counter & floor.
Place dipped balloons on a pan sprayed with cooking spray & freeze. Once frozen, pop balloons & ever so gently remove balloons. (I actually did this with the pan in the freezer)
Instead of scooping the ice cream into our little sprinkled chocolate cup I put some into a home made pastry baggie & squeezed it. This gave it a more soft ice cream look and that's Nyla's favorite.
Would I make this again? You betcha, its super yummy; I just have to recover from the chocolate/sprinkle explosion in my kitchen :)
(just make sure you make those changes I mentioned - spray balloon with cooking spray & watch the chocolate temperature but be prepared for chocolate explosions - hey at least its yummy!)
I'm sharing this recipe at these cool parties, come join me!!
The Weekend Re-Treat!
They look so yummy! My daughters would love those too, will have to try... :o)